Tax returns : by entrusting your tax return to Tributum, a professional company of tax consultants in Belgium, you will benefit from the following services:
- The arithmetic checking of your register abstract notice ("AER") pertaining to the previous year of income, as well as the tallying thereof with the income actually declared.
- A simulation of the tax calculation for the past year of income, carried out on the basis of the tax laws and the most recent jurisprudence.
- A permanent and active search for tax savings that are possible and specific to your file.
- Swift assistance by telephone for any urgent decision of a tax connotation.
- Priority availability for the handling of requests for information, notices of rectification (deadline for reply just one month!) and claims (deadline reduced to just three months!).
- If you grant us a power of attorney for tax matters, you will be safe in the knowledge that your interests will be defended vis-à-vis the tax authorities, even in the event of an extended period of absence abroad.
- A possible extension of the period for the lodging of your tax return (up to 30 September), in accordance with the time scales granted to tax professionals (this is practical should you wish to go on holiday in June).
- Submission of your tax declaration and its appendices within the deadlines, and always by registered post.